Capturing the Real-world turn it into digital
OpenCities Planner CONNECT Edition is a cloud-based service running on a web browser that enables Sharing and Visualization of 2D, 3D, and GIS data in a 3D world.
OpenCities Planner CONNECT Edition is designed to support Digital Twin.
OpenCities Planner CONNECT Edition can include the following contents.
OpenCities Planner Cloud-services has allowed High-quality engineering mesh models depending on size and rendering.
It is recommended to keep your 3D model as small as possible, especially if your project is designed for public publishing.
The number of triangles will impact size and rendering.
*Don't ‘waste triangles on unnecessary details. Textures also have an impact, both size, and resolution.
Size will impact download speed while texture resolution will impact rendering speed.
** Don’t use high-resolution textures unless such detail is required.
*** Try and keep image resolution under 2048×2048
See How to prepare 3D Models for OpenCities Planner
OpenCIties Planner Cloud-Service requires WebGL enable as a web browser.
Windows Desktop :
Using of OpenCities Planner : Here
Import detailed 3D models and place them in the 3D world by adding images, vector data, and documents to communicate your project, as well as connect with WMS to add GIS layers to the presentation.
Invite team members or publish a direct link for public access with just a few clicks by controlling content access based on user roles.
Create, visualize, and analyze planning options using 3D modeling and shadow analysis by dragging an object to the map from the 3D library and exporting in 3D to continue detailed design in a third-party BIM or CAD application.
Visualize large-scale projects spanning entire cities down to street level when streaming reality meshes, terrain models, and semantic 3D city models, such as CityGML