ContextCapture CONNECT Edition

Desktop Reality Modeling Software with Engineering quality

Turn your real-world project to digital.

ContextCapture CONNECT Edition is a Reality modeling software to process of capturing the physical reality of an infrastructure asset, creating a representation of it, and maintaining it through continuous surveys. Bentley's reality modeling software, ContextCapture, provides you with the real-world digital context in the form of a 3D reality mesh.

A reality mesh is a 3D model of real-world conditions that contain large amounts of triangles and image data.  Each digital component can be automatically recognized and/or geospatially referenced, providing you with an intuitive and immersive way to navigate, find, view, and query your asset information. You can use reality meshes in many engineering, maintenance, or GIS workflows to provide precise real-world digital context for design, construction, and operations decisions.

Overlapping photos from drones and ground-level imagery, supplemented by laser scans where needed, ContextCapture enables you to generate spatially-classified and engineering-ready reality meshes at any desired level of accuracy and scale, including an entire city.

  ContextCapture comes with,

  1. ContextCapture CONNECT Edition: Single Engine Desktop Reality Modeling Software with Engineering quality
  2. ContextCapture Center CONNECT Edition: Multi Engines Desktop Reality Modeling Software with Engineering quality and City scale.
  3. ContextCapture Editor: Desktop software to consume and work with Reality Data produced by ContextCapture
  4. Bentley Descarte: Image management environment with document conversion


Explore the ContextCapture experience here :

  Graz, Austria: Explore this model in a web browser.

Click to view the digital real-world

  Microsoft Redmond Campus: Explore this model in a web browser.

Click to view the digital real-world




  • Consume imagery from many cameras and sensor types
  • Consume laserscan data
  • Create animations, videos, and fly-throughs
  • Create high-fidelity images
  • Create scalable terrain models
  • Employ parallel computing power
  • Generate 2D and 3D GIS models
  • Generate 3D CAD models
  • Integrate data from many sources with reality meshes
  • Integrate positioning data
  • Measure and analyze model data
  • Model geometry from reality modeling data
  • Perform automatic aerotriangulation and 3D reconstruction
  • Perform automatic photo block alignment on point clouds
  • Perform simultaneous navigation and viewing in 2D images and a 3D reality mesh
  • Publish and view Web-ready models
  • Scalable production speeds with cloud on-demand
  • Visualize, analyze, and measure reality meshes prior to final production
  • Visualize, manipulate and edit reality modeling data