GEO5 : Field Tests

Analysis of structures based on field tests (SPT, CPT, DMT, PMT)

GEO5 provides analysis of structures directly from field test data (SPT, CPT, DMT, PMT) and avoids or reduces the definition of standard soil parameters. All types of field tests can be entered or imported into the Stratigraphy program.

Programs Supporting Field Test Data Import

The main input of geotechnical programs are usually soil parameters, which should be obtained by geological surveys and laboratory tests. When using calculations based on field tests, these data are not required and the basic input is just the data from the tests.

GEO5 software includes several programs which enable direct import of field tests (CPT – cone penetration test, DMT – flat dilatometer test, PMT – pressuremeter test, SPT – standard penetration test).

The Pile CPT program is designated to verify bearing capacity and settlement according to results of a cone penetration tests (CPTs) or standard penetration tests (SPTs).

The Spread Footing CPT program analyzes bearing capacity and settlement of spread foundation according to cone penetration test (CPT), standard penetration test (SPT) and flat dilatometer test (DMT) .

The Spread Footing program analyzes settlement of spread foundation according to flat dilatometer test (DMT).

Program Micropile calculates the modulus of subsoil reaction according to pressuremeter test (PMT) and standard penetration test (SPT).

The Sheeting Check program enables analysis of modulus of subsoil reaction according to pressuremeter test (PMT) and flat dilatometer test (DMT).

Any of the mentioned types of field tests can be entered (or imported) into the Stratigraphy program to generate a geological model of subsoil layers. The modules Stratigraphy - Logs and Stratigraphy - Cross Sections for professional site investigation reports are available for this program.

Stratigraphy Workflow

The workflow can be divided into three steps. At first, to produce geological data reports from site investigations, then to create geological cross sections and finally to design the 3D subsoil model. Watch the video tutorials.