PLAXIS 2D CONNECT Edition performs 2D analysis of deformation and stability in geotechnical engineering and rock mechanics with PLAXIS 2D Suite.
PLAXIS 2D CONNECT Edition performs a powerful and user-friendly finite element package that is used worldwide by top engineering companies and institutions in the civil and geotechnical engineering industry on projects of all types, ranging from excavations, embankment, and foundations to tunneling, mining, and reservoir geomechanics.
PLAXIS 2D CONNECT Edition features:
Including add-on modules to integrate with PLAXIS 2D CONNECT Edition as follows:
1. PLAXIS 2D Dynamics
2D Geotechnical Dynamic loading modeling allows for performing a ground response analysis, and liquefaction analysis using the PM4Sand and UBCSand models
For more advanced seismic analysis, choose PLAXIS 2D Dynamics module.
2. PLAXIS 2D PlaxFlow
2D Geotechnical Time-dependent groundwater, Flow analysis, beyond the default options of steady-state groundwater flow analysis
3. PLAXIS 2D Thermal
Analysis of heat flow on the hydraulic and mechanical behavior of soil and structures
If you need full thermal-hydro-mechanical coupling, the PLAXIS 2D PlaxFlow module is exactly what you will need.
Efficiently create models with a logical geotechnical workflow. Define everything from complex soil profiles or geological cross-sections to structural elements, such as piles, anchors, geotextiles, and prescribed loads and displacements. Import geometry from CAD-files. Automatically mesh to create a finite element mesh almost immediately.
Analyze the effects of man-made or natural seismic vibrations in soil with PLAXIS 3D Dynamics. Perform analyses on the effects of vibrations in the soil from earthquakes, pile driving, vehicle movement, heavy machinery, or train travel.
Assign time-dependent variation or fluxes to water levels, model boundaries, or soil boundaries to simulate various complex hydrological conditions.
Consider the effects of heat flow on the hydraulic and the mechanical behavior of soils and structures in your geotechnical designs. Perform thermal analysis to anticipate and react to potential stability issues, such as foundation challenges in arctic areas.
Apply advanced model boundary conditions when dynamic analysis requires special boundary conditions. In addition to viscous boundaries, free-field and compliant base boundaries can also be selected to reduce spurious reflections of waves reaching the model boundaries.
All material models contain extra parameters, which take into account damping due to material and/or geometry. Calculate excess pore pressure build-up during dynamic excitation with liquefaction models. For soils other than liquefaction susceptible sand, the (Generalized) Hardening soil model with small strain stiffness generally offers a good choice.
In modeling the dynamic response of a soil structure, the inertia of the subsoil and the time dependency of the load are considered. The time dependent behavior of the load can be assigned through harmonic, linear, or table multipliers. Via table input, users can import real earthquakes signals to perform meaningful seismic design of jetties or foundations. Dynamic multipliers can be assigned independently in the x- and y-directions in PLAXIS 2D Dynamics and x-, y-, and z-directions in PLAXIS 3D Dynamics.
Take advantage of various predefined properties to define the unsaturated soil behavior, according to common soil classification systems such as Hypres, USDA, and Staring. Predefined data sets for the Van Genuchten and Approximate Van Genuchten model are available for all types of soil. For experts on groundwater flow modeling, Van Genuchten model parameters can be entered manually, or user-defined relationships between groundwater head, permeability, and saturation can be entered.
Assign time dependent variation or fluxes to water levels, model boundaries, or soil boundaries to simulate various complex hydrological conditions. The input of the time dependant properties is based on harmonic, linear, or table functions. This allows seasonal variations of river water levels behind embankments and their effect on the overall slope stability to be modeled. Precipitation, wells, and drains can be included in the model, allowing pumping tests or other hydrological applications to be modeled.
Analyze displacements, or the rotation of stress due to temperature changes. Coupling between thermal loading and mechanical process is required when the temperature change in soils results in thermal stresses. Deformation of a navigable lock due to sunlight absorption when the lock is empty is an example of this.
Whether the ground freezing is artificial to stabilize weak ground or natural you can study the complex interplay between the velocity of groundwater flow, temperature of the freezing pipes, and their effects on the formation of an ice wall through the various boundary conditions.